Product Concepts

Dashboard- Comprehensive view of all your data

MarketPlace - Create and Trade Ordinals

Collections - Browse the most popular Inscriptions on the market

Wallet - Access your personal Ordinals

Activity/Statistics - Realtime analytics

See the Balance of your Wallet in BTC or ETH

Make Ordinal Transactions in ETH or BTC.

The Icons in the My Collections section are customizable. Users can edit them to find whatever they would like.

Development of Wallet and Marketplace are already in progress. Currently, we are building the UI and smart contracts. Additional UI pages will be added and can be seen in real-time. The current images on the website only serve as placeholders and will be updated with Live Ordinals once back end is uploaded.

Steps of Development

UI/Wireframe ---- Contracts [Backend] --- In house Beta Testing --- Public Beta Testing --- Upgrades from Beta Feedback --- Final Testing --- Public Release

L2 BTC Blockchain

After we complete our Ordinal Wallet and Marketplace, we will explore building our L2 BTC Centered Blockchain. The Blockchain will serve as a place where developers can create innovative dapps to further the growth of BTC. This process will be extensive and we are very excited to be one of the first to venture into this sector.

Last updated